Application Fee
Application Fees for Examination
The details of the application fee are given below. The application fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.
Gender / Category | Fees Amount** | |
One Test Paper | Two Test Papers | |
Female / SC / ST / PwD* | ₹ 900 | ₹ 1250 |
All others | ₹ 1800 | ₹ 2500 |
**Fee Amount - Fee for Changing Examination Cities /Test Papers /Category /Gender is ₹300 apart from the applicable difference in Application fee. |
Candidates who have wrongly entered the Category or Gender will be allowed to change with applicable fee and if candidates decide to appear in other Test Paper or to change Test Paper(s), they can ADD THE ADDITIONAL TEST PAPER or can CHANGE THE TEST PAPER(S) in the earlier submitted application available at with an additional fee as shown in above table before November 18, 2025.
Terms & Conditions
Candidates have to pay Application fee through following Online mode only.
- Net Banking
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
Please make sure that E-Com is enabled on your Credit card / Debit card for making online payment.
For making online payment of Application fee, login at the JAM 2025 application portal and follow the payment instructions after verifying the filled application form.
From the JAM 2025 application portal, the candidate will be redirected to the payment gateway webpage, which provides the payment options.
After successful completion of the payment, the system will be directed back to the JAM 2025 application portal, where you can download the completed application form containing the payment details.
JAM does not charge any processing fee or service charge from the candidates for online payment. However, the candidates have to pay the other charges, as applicable for online payment, to the payment gateway or merchant banks.
Refund Policy
The application fee is NEITHER refundable NOR transferable. Once submitted, there is no way that a candidate can cancel his/her application.
In case, the fee amount has been debited (deducted) from your bank account, but JAM 2025 application portal does not receive the information due to communication failure or any such event, then the money will be automatically credited back to your account from which the money was deducted. However, this may take a week or more, after the closure of the application process.